Friday, November 22, 2013



DETAILS : This is a project about the 3 different types of dances in Malaysia,namely Joget, Inang and Zapin. From information gathered the dances will be projected on a 2 metre cloth. This is so to show the smoothness, soft and graceful gestures in the dances. The user will have an interactive choice of selecting 3 buttons whereby when pressed each display a different dance. The dances will have effects applied to them to make them look more attractive to the user.

: To attract the youth to culture by focusing on the dance aspect of it.
 : To present traditional dances of Malaysia in a more colorful way
 : To focus on the graceful and calm gestures within the dances.
 : To show the playfulness and fun contained in the dances to the youth
 : To broaden knowledge on Malay dance culture to foreigners from a foreigners  perspective.                                          

Songs to use during performances : Inang Gerimis kesian dia
                                                      Joget Kelantan
                                                      Zapin telok belangah


- Posterize (to add extra colors later)

-Ink bleed effect

For my final idea I decided to use Adobe After Effects to give the performance more vibrance . I plan to shoot the dancers in a green screen room while performing with their props, then transform and add effects to those videos.

-Silhoutte effect Click here

Samples of effects and patterns to use



This includes a detailed outline of floor plan, flowchart, storyboard, gantt chart and budget for my final idea.