Tuesday, August 27, 2013


For my idea I want to focus more on the artistic movements of Inang, Joget and Zapin dance. I want these motions to be the highlight of my project. For the audience to appreciate with creative beautiful observation. The 1st idea I liked is Shadow Projection.

Why Shadow? From observation I have noticed when most dancers practice they tend to look at themselves a lot in mirrors( dance studios are usually filled with mirrors). Shadow is a reflection of an object made by light,more like an abstract reflection. It's not always a "what-you-see-is what-you-get" type of observation. Shadows are different according to time of day and light direction. Likewise in dance movements vary according to the music/rhythm. When looking at any dance most  movements are fast and flash right before your eyes. You don't get to grasp the message or what's happening in front of you long enough to capture the beauty of the dance/gestures.

Therefore I plan to do a Shadow installation art piece in order to "capture" or "freeze" the moment of the elegance and gracefulness of the combined Malaysian dances. The process would include pieces of mannequins,paper,wire or cables arranged  in such a way that they portray a step by step dance routine of Joget,Inang and Zapin dances. These will be portrayed in shadows. It would be like a tutorial of the dance movements using shadows,hence teaching the public about the dances in the frozen movements. I plan to bring LIGHT into dance movements that we tend to overlook and miss out on.

In dance a story is interpreted through the movements. One has to FEEL the music in order to bring out the creative moves and with shadows you have to LIGHT the object to reveal that shadow therefore I want to manipulate this theory into my installation.

During my research I came across some awesome works of how artists played creatively with shadows. For example:

Artist Larry Kagan uses wire : Shadow from wires

Artist Olafur Eliasson : Shadow with Color

In a nutshell : SHADOW + LIGHT + DANCE + MUSIC = EMOTION!!

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